Paul and Antoinette

Paul and Antoinette
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Written and illustrated by Kerascoët
Translated from French by Claudia Zoe Bedrick
Paul is neat, Antoinette is messy. Paul wants to stay inside and work on his model ships, Antoinette wants to go outside and find bugs. We have seen a few great odd couples in picture books already, but filled with possibility as the world is, there's always room for one more pair, especially if they are as charming and unforgettable as these pigs, born from the brushes and prolific imagination of Kerascoët.
ISBN: 978-1-59270-196-4
8.2" (W) x 10.2" (H) • 40 pages • HC
★ "Paul is a neatnik who loves to make 'sure everything is sparkling and in its place.' Antoinette likes cleaning too, so long as it involves 'licking the plates and sticky knives' after she’s made her Two-Taste Toasts. Paul’s idea of a good day is tweezing the parts of a model ship into place. Antoinette’s is finding dead birds, bugs, and beetles. When Antoinette finally hauls Paul outside, 'he’s inspired to think deeply about Ikebana,' while she licks a snail, names it Edmond, and then tucks it into her pocket. Working in deeply hued watercolors, Kerascoët (duo Marie Pommepuy and Sébastian Cosset) creates an appealing, adult-free world, neatly expanding on their wry text. When Antoinette throws herself at what Paul sees as a 'ferocious beast'—perhaps a bison, yeti, or werewolf—readers see an enormous, benign brown dog. ... No matter the differences, the affection between the siblings is manifest. That each little pig thoroughly subverts gender stereotypes is simply icing on one perfectly delightful cake." —STARRED REVIEW, Kirkus Reviews
"I dare you to read this book and not want to go berry picking." —Miranda Rosbach, My Bookbloom
"Kerascoët (the French duo of Marie Pommepuy and Sébastien Cosset) presents a lovely slice-of-life story featuring a pair of thoroughly independent pigs who have little in common. Younger sibling Antoinette favors messiness, rambunctiousness, and outdoor play: tidying up after breakfast is one of her chores, since 'licking the plates and sticky knives is her favorite thing'...Paul’s idea of a good time is cleaning the house and making intricate model ships, but although his conversations with Antoinette often highlight his cerebral side (on the meanings of flowers: 'The gold button evokes joy, the daisy embodies innocence, the red poppy signifies remembrance'), the expressive watercolor artwork reveals his rich inner life (during one of Paul’s cleaning spells, he imagines himself as a pirate, washing the floor like a swabbie and wielding a spray bottle like a pistol). It’s a gently funny and emotionally observant portrait of the rewards of spending time with people who aren’t just carbon copies of yourself. " —Publishers Weekly
”This sweet story has many themes: sibling love, individual differences, acceptance, and sharing. … Cheerful illustrations keep the story light and friendly, while the text explores some important issues. This is a celebration of how people can be different and still love each other and appreciate what each contributes to the other's life. The tale could spark discussions about introverts, extroverts, and individuality. … A tender and rewarding read-aloud for all collections.” —Mary Hazelton, formerly at Warren & Waldoboro Elementary Schools, School Library Journal