If Apples Had Teeth

If Apples Had Teeth
This title is also available from Bookshop, a great initiative that supports local, independent bookstores.
Written by Shirley Glaser
Illustrated by Milton Glaser
A book about language, play, and the relationship between words and images, IF Apples Had Teeth is graphic, smart, silly, and surreal all at the same time. Language and thought come to life as counterfactuals and possibilities are conjured and proposed. The heart of the book beats with newness, reminding us that art, poetry, and story are all about creating something that doesn't yet exist in the world.
ISBN: 978-1-59270-226-8
6.88" (W) x 8.63" (H) • 40 pages • HCJ
Grade Level: 3
Interest Level: 1-6
Lexile Level: 500
Guided Reading Level: N
Featured in Green Source DFW December 2018 gift guide
★ "This is a reprint of a title originally published by Knopf in 1960. The words and illustrations are delightfully wide-eyed, deranged, and possibly subversive. Apples bite back. The soup talks back! Alligators masquerade as luggage. (Watch out!) Each page posits ‘what if,’ and offers a delightfully absurd response. Some pages rhyme. Some don’t. But there’s a zippy rhythm to the text that makes for good reading aloud. Five to eight year olds who like to laugh will love this one. Young wordsmiths and artists will be eager to create their own ‘what ifs’ and draw them. It’s a book that makes the reader feel energized and want to participate." —STARRED REVIEW, Robin Shtulman, Youth Services Book Review
"Republished for the first time since its original debut more than half a century ago, If Apples Had Teeth is part poetry, part art, part jubilant nonsense, radiating a simple, playful, yet profound question: Why must things be the way they are, and what if they were otherwise?" —Maria Popova, Brain Pickings
"You will want this book. It might change the way you look at the world. Some of the IFs are practical: 'If apples had teeth, they would bite back.' 'If a kangaroo was fond of you, he could carry your books home from school.' Some of the IFs rhyme or have alliteration: 'If a rhinoceros wore a sweater, he would look a lot better.' 'If horses had hat racks, they would be reindeer.' But some of the IFs make you drop your chin: 'If eggs were made of glass, you could count your chickens before they hatched.' 'If trees were pink, they would be nevergreens.' Did I mention the art? Very whimsical and fun!" —Mary Lee Hahn, A Year of Reading
”This book reminds me of… the creative ways we play with language—twisting and turning and creating new stories along the way. […] And reading it aloud is especially fun as it evokes the best sort of silliness and may even inspire your own creative book related game.” —Miranda Rosbach, My Bookbloom
”Smart, zany and iconic.” —Liam, @wordsandillustrations
”A clever and beautifully-designed book, with just the right amount of weirdness, from the design genius behind the iconic ‘I love NY’ logo.” —Erin Messer, City Lights Bookstore (San Francisco, CA)
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