Prince Silencio

Prince Silencio
*This title is also available on Bookshop, an organization that supports independent bookstores!
Written and illustrated by Anne Herbauts
Translated from French by Claudia Zoe Bedrick
A Bank Street College of Education Best Children’s Book of 2007
Prince Silencio is about a Prince whose father, the King, cannot tolerate noise. But the Prince, who has been commanded by the King to keep people quiet, finds noise beautiful. When the King dies, a joyful, loud, wild tumult convulses the Kingdom. The Prince wants to join in the merrymaking, but the people drive him away. It doesn't take long, however, for them to discover that without Prince Silencio, it's impossible for them to hear anything at all. Their words run together, they grow agitated, and chaos ensues. In the end, the people call Prince Silencio back, having realized the need for silence in their lives.
ISBN: 978-1-59270-055-4
10.2" (W) x 12.5" (H) • 32 pages • HCJ
A Bank Street College of Education Best Children’s Book of 2007
“An oversized and overwhelmingly beautiful book...” —Daniel Pinkwater, Wondertime Magazine
“Arch wit and striking artwork mark this Belgian artist’s debut.” —Publishers Weekly
”I just love everything about this book.” —Julia Rothman, Book By Its Cover
“...the size and the color of the artwork and the simple text make this a good book to share with groups.” —School Library Journal
“Unique and colorful illustrations support the story. The message of this book...would be an excellent read aloud to stimulate discussion with older readers.” —Association Region XI School Librarians, (Ft. Worth, TX)
“A wonderful book to share with your children…” —
“Prince Silencio is charmingly written and brilliantly illustrated…very highly recommended as a purely enchanting and thoroughly entertaining tale of passion, exile, acceptance, and enjoyment.” —The Midwest Book Review
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